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Orange Jordan Shares Insights at “Enhancing Economic Participation of Women with Disabilities in the Private Sector” Forum

the Private Sector” Forum, Orange Jordan called for increased awareness to tackle crucial social issues that require unified efforts and collective action.

The Diversity and Inclusion Program Leader at Orange Jordan Layla Abu Islaieh, represented the company in the Forum, organized by the Women Committee at the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Forum brought together civil society organizations along with private sector companies to unite efforts towards amplifying the economic contribution of women with disabilities nationwide.

In her speech, Abu Islaieh invited individuals to assume responsibility for addressing this critical issue by raising awareness among their inner circles, including family, friends, and colleagues, ultimately leading to a desired shift in perception and eliminating stereotypes.

She also shed detailed light on Orange Jordan’s endeavors to create a more inclusive workplace by welcoming more persons with disabilities to its family, as part of its integrated approach to lay the foundation for equal opportunities where candidate’s competencies and qualifications are the defining factors during the hiring process. According to Abu Islaieh, Orange Jordan strives to achieve that through putting into practice community programs that are partnership-focused with concerned organizations.


Abu Islaieh grouped the challenges faced by people with disabilities into three categories: awareness, social, and legal. Drawing on her personal experience with Orange Jordan, which was characterized by professionalism and absence of stereotyping, Abu Islaieh urged the private sector to join the momentum to ensure better law enforcement leading to enabling more persons with disabilities to join the labor market and play a more effective role on the economic front.

In conclusion, she emphasized that while Jordan has made significant progress in the legal arena, more work needs to be done to ensure effective law enforcement. To achieve this, more private companies need to join the movement and support the initiative. Abu Islaieh seized the opportunity to express her gratitude, on behalf of Orange Jordan, to the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for their tireless efforts in creating a nationwide vision that promotes the economic participation of persons with disabilities.


To learn more, please visit our website: www.orange.jo